birdlife was released into the world officially yesterday at our booklaunch at Clancy’s Fish Pub! It was a great afternoon, with artist Gregory Pryor launching the book with a wonderful speech, taking in the mutability of human/avian forms, to sparrows in China…
Writers read their own work from the book, with the lovely Duc Dau reading Graeme Miles Gravity, and Dana Luscher reading Michael Farrell‘s a sparrow in the works. On behalf of Lethologica Press, Perdita Phillips thanked everyone that has been part of and assisted the book coming to fruition.
We wish to especially thank speakers Greg, Duc, Dana, Margaret for the book-selling, the staff at Clancy’s Fish Pub for being gorgeous, and everyone who attended!
Artist Gregory Pryor launches birdlife
Poet Nandi Chinna reads her poems from birdlife
Artist and designer of birdlife Perdita Phillips