Indie publishing West-side

The independent publishing sector in Western Australia continues to swell with a swathe of activity from small publishers – from micro to rather big. We thought it might be a good time to recap on some of our colleagues.

The Perth Zine Collective is a rich incubator and representative of hand-made publications, providing a a great distribution and retail arm with Aunty Mabel’s Zine Distro.

Gestalt Comics is a graphic novel publishing house responsible for a number of key titles in the genre, and lately they also digitally publish.

Benchpress is an old-fashioned printing service using a  Risograph MZ 790U to offer printing and publishing services. The press assists in the production of art prints, books, catalogues, zines and other paper products. (While they are currently on hiatus we do hope they crank up their printer again soon!)

Mulla Mulla Press publishes locally-produced poetry and have published a number of great collections.

Margaret River Press are doing lots from their lovely vantage point in the South West. Established in 2011, the family-run press publishes literary novels and anthologies from emerging and established writers and poets, as well as trade titles.

Sunline Press, the brainchild of Managing Editor Roland Leach, is a small press focusing on poetry.

Perth Poetry Club runs an open mic afternoon (every Saturday at 2pm at The Moon Cafe in Northbridge) and publish a range of zines.

Contradiction Press have published the wonderful visual and textual exploration Is this bioart?

And of course the big(ger) guns of Fremantle Press, UWA Publishing and Magabala Books, remain strongly committed to consistently publishing local talent.

Publishers, if we have missed you please do drop us a line below and we’ll happily add you to our list.

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