Western Australian Photographic Book Survey original call for entries

A display of photographic books already published in Western Australia or by Western Australian artists

Western Australia Photographic books will be part if a will be part of a two-part show at the Perth Centre for Photography which was scheduled to opening in November 2011. PCP is currently considering moving its location and have rescheduled our show for February 2012.

Exhibition opening: 8 February 2012
Exhibition dates: 9 February to 11 March 2012

Lethologica Press are looking for photographic books (including small pamphlets) that are:

  • by Western Australian photographers; or
  • substantially about WA; or
  • produced in WA

for inclusion in the Western Australian Photographic Book Showcase. Books do not necessarily need to be published by established publishers — they can be self-published.

We wish to display WA photographic books, giving a history and context to contemporary photographic book publishing in the Western third of Australia. The covers of some historical books will be scanned and prints mounted on the wall but most books will come from contemporary practitioners and will be displayed to be handled and read by gallery visitors.

If you have old historical photographic books or catalogues already published that you wish to display/publicise or would like to know more details please contact teapot@lethologicapress.org.

How it works

  • If you have published a book where photographs are a significant element of the contents then fill in the submission form ASAP. You will be asked to fill in some details about the work.
  • Deliver the book by 31 January to:

Western Australian Photographic Book Showcase + Art/Text/Clearinghouse Project
c/- Fitzgerald Photo Imaging
350 Fitzgerald Street

How much does it cost?

A mere $30 for up to 3 titles.

For more information see the FAQs here.

RSVP/Contact teapot@lethologicapress.org for further information.


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