Annette Nykiel

Annette Nykiel talks about her work and the We Must Get Together Project

Slow-maker and artist-researcher, Annette Nykiel PhD, wonders about the interdependence of ecological systems including her own in local heathlands, wetlands and woodlands. She makes do with gathered natural materials and cloth with a history to relate to the materiality of non-urban spaces while wandering amongst urban, regional and remote areas as a geoscientist, artsworker and fibre/textile artist.

For many years, she has exhibited in different spaces in urban and regional Australia and internationally. Her solo show, meeting place, was awarded the FRINGEWORLD Visual Art Award, 2018.

Can’t see the wood for the trees (left), Colours of Dryandra (right) We Must Get Together Some Time Mandurah Performing Arts Centre 2021. Photo Daniel Wilkins
Pteridium esculentum Dianne Strahan and Annette Nykiel Contemporary Art Space Mandurah 2021. Photo Daniel Wilkins
Can’t see the wood for the trees (detail)
Pteridium esculentum (detail) Photo Daniel Wilkins
Colours of Dryandra (detail)
Can’t see the wood for the trees (detail)