George Karpathakis

George Karpathakis PhD is an experienced filmmaker and adjunct academic at Edith Cowan Univeristy who works in a variety of screen production genres, including drama, experimental and documentary. As a television producer George produced the art education series Landscape and You (1996) and films featuring field-working artists Else King Fragile Objects (1998), Nalda Searles A Stitching of Words
(2008), and Greg Pryor-Yilgarn Lacunae (2019).

George filmed parts of the WMGTST project, producing a twenty-minute long field diary We Must Get Together Some Time, as well as interviews with 6 of the 11 participating artists.

Image by Daniel Wilkins

George also works with found objects gathered over many years
walking the city streets—his landscape—to produce small
sculptural assemblages and photographic prints of the
ephemeral works.