George Karpathakis PhD is an experienced filmmaker and adjunct academic at Edith Cowan Univeristy who works in a variety of screen production genres, including drama, experimental and documentary. As a television producer George produced the art education series Landscape and You (1996) and films featuring field-working artists Else King Fragile Objects (1998), Nalda Searles A Stitching of Words
(2008), and Greg Pryor-Yilgarn Lacunae (2019).
George filmed parts of the WMGTST project, producing a twenty-minute long field diary We Must Get Together Some Time, as well as interviews with 6 of the 11 participating artists.
George also works with found objects gathered over many years
walking the city streets—his landscape—to produce small
sculptural assemblages and photographic prints of the
ephemeral works.