Important Project Meeting 26 May

Art/Text/Clearinghouse project/Western Australian photographic book exhibition. A meeting will be held 6:30 pm on 26 May at the Perth Centre for Photography. It will cover general details about the two parts to the exhibition that will be be held at PCP in November 2011 — including more info on participation in the Art/Text/Clearinghouse project.

Perth Centre for Photography
91 Brisbane Street
WA 6003
Phone: +61 8 92276620

Meet with other artists/photographers and writers and/or bring your suggestions for potential collaborators. Find out further details and have your say.

As a starter, bring along the following examples of your art or text to be viewed by participants:

  • your CV (no more than 4 pages);
  • up to 4 printed examples of images (maximum A4 size); or
  • up to 4 pages of written text – as an example of what you do

RSVP/Contact for further information.

Lethologica Press
PO Box 747
Fremantle WA 6959

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