birdlife printed and available now

We are very excited that our book, birdlife, is now in hand and available for purchase. A collaborative art and text title combining poetry by Michael Farrell, Nandi Chinna and Graeme Miles, writing by Nyanda Smith and visual artwork by Perdita Phillips – birdlife is a diverse consideration of the avian. It’s been described by… Continue reading birdlife printed and available now

birdlife due from printers!

We are very excited that our fourth publication, birdlife, is at the printers and due to us next week!  A collaborative art and text title combining poetry by Michael Farrell, Nandi Chinna and Graeme Miles, writing by Nyanda Smith and visual artwork by Perdita Phllips – birdlife is a diverse consideration of the avian. It’s… Continue reading birdlife due from printers!

Dianne and Kathryn Souphandavong: In the beginning

Artist/photographer Dianne Souphandavong and poet Kathryn Souphandavong combined talents on their first collaboration, In the beginning. The book includes sunset photographs abstracted in an atmospheric manner. Many spectres, figures and ghosts appear naturally in the photos. The series dwells within a particular genre of the ‘fantastic’. The images were obtained from two separate visits to… Continue reading Dianne and Kathryn Souphandavong: In the beginning

birdlife due from printers!

We are very excited that our fourth publication, birdlife, is at the printers and due to us next week!  A collaborative art and text title combining poetry by Michael Farrell, Nandi Chinna and Graeme Miles, writing by Nyanda Smith and visual artwork by Perdita Phllips – birdlife is a diverse consideration of the avian. It’s… Continue reading birdlife due from printers!