birdlife due from printers!

We are very excited that our fourth publication, birdlife, is at the printers and due to us next week!  A collaborative art and text title combining poetry by Michael Farrell, Nandi Chinna and Graeme Miles, writing by Nyanda Smith and visual artwork by Perdita Phllips – birdlife is a diverse consideration of the avian. It’s… Continue reading birdlife due from printers!

We heart indie publishing

From small Perth publisher Contradiction Press comes Is this bioart?, a book irreverently  answering the question what exactly is bioart?  Illustrated by Sean Morris, quotes from various sources ruminate on what makes this particular art movement. From overhearing ORLAN being interrupted by Goethe, the rant of Latour and the cynicism of Flaubert interspersed with a… Continue reading We heart indie publishing

Art+text spotlight: Cataract

Cataract: Some notes after having a cataract removed by John Berger, published by Notting Hill Editions There’s a poetic irony in John Berger – famous for ‘seeing’ art – losing his vision… a situation not lost on the art critic whose recent book consists of notes exploring his experience, and uses artwork to explore the… Continue reading Art+text spotlight: Cataract

Famous art and text pairings

Rouveyre and Matisse (on Apollinaire) Three decades after poet Guillaume Apollinaire’s death in 1918, his friends the poet André Rouveyre and Henri Matisse decided to make a book about him, suitably honoring the man who wrote visual poetry with… text and art. Between 1942-1952, the duo worked on the book with Rouveyre writing and Matisse… Continue reading Famous art and text pairings

birdlife due from printers!

We are very excited that our fourth publication, birdlife, is at the printers and due to us next week!  A collaborative art and text title combining poetry by Michael Farrell, Nandi Chinna and Graeme Miles, writing by Nyanda Smith and visual artwork by Perdita Phllips – birdlife is a diverse consideration of the avian. It’s… Continue reading birdlife due from printers!